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Signs of Summer?

Then Jesus told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees; as soon as they sprout leaves you can see for yourselves and know that summer is already near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that the kingdom of God is near. Luke 21. 29 - 38

Yesterday in Northeast Florida was cold, gloomy and overcast...rare weather for our area, but a good reminder that winter is almost here. For my friends farther north but still in the south, snow is being measured in feet! Again, a sure sign the season has changed.

I am reminded of the changes of seasons of our lives: death of a parent, cancer diagnosis, loss of a job, family estrangement...add your own darkness to this list. These changes certainly bring on a "winter of our discontent" as Shakespeare called it in Richard III.

However, in Jesus' parable about the fig tree, he suggests as soon as you can see some sign of new growth, there is hope for a change, a new season, healing, recovery.

Perhaps part of our waiting in this season of Advent might be prayerfully pausing long enough to see signs of new growth, new life, hope where none seemed possible, healing where there seemed to be no hope.

When the kingdom of God is near, Love is in the air. And that Love pierces the season of darkness, giving hope that a fresh season is not far away.

Here's to signs of summer in our lives...the kingdom of God is near!

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