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Luke 9. 1 - 6

He said to them, ‘Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money—not even an extra tunic.

In Luke's gospel appointed for the Eucharistic Readings today, Jesus asks the disciples for complete trust in God for provision of whatever they need. How would that make you feel? Afraid of letting go or a new sense of freedom in relying on God?

The acronym SNAP is used in Enneagram work to enable a person to be aware of triggers that are inclined to set off anxieties or anything else that might derail us from our higher level of consciousness. SNAP stands for Stop, Notice, Act, and Pivot. It is a catchy word that is easy to remember and call up. In fact, it is suggested that you practice SNAP daily to make it a part of your rhythm and well being.

Thinking about this passage, it occurred to me that the Pivot might be an excellent way to exercise the new sense of freedom of relying on God...Stop, notice, act and pivot to God! Today when I SNAP, I will ask God to accompany me on a new of freedom and reliance on her/him/God! Happy Trails.



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