A General Thanksgiving
Grant us the gift of your Spirit, that we may know you and make you known; and through you, at all times and in all places, may give thanks to you in all things. Amen.
In the back of the Book of Common Prayer, there is a whole slew of prayers for all kinds of sorts and conditions of men (and women!) I have noticed over the years that my husband spends quiet time/prayer time in church reading through those prayers. They are all wonderful. One of my favorites was used on a little podcast I listen to this morning, and it reminded me of what I have been listening for this Advent...how to know God and make God known at all times and in all places.
In his book What were you arguing along the way, Padraig O Tuama speaks (among many other things) of the importance of seeing/finding God in the most ordinary of things. I spoke about that yesterday, giving the example of God in an animal food trough in a desert. In our small groups, we have been sharing all the places we have seen God in the ordinary this season, and it has been such a joy to hear people's stories. From the Salvation Army bell ringer who helped a customer carry groceries to the car to a gentle waitress who cared for two friends in search of comfort as though they were family, the Trinitarian God has shown up weaving through people's journeys this Advent, reminding us all of the presence of the Holy One, the Three in One, Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer.
Where have you seen God in the ordinary this season? Where can you tell your stories to make God known so that all the world can rejoice at the goodness of the Lord and give thanks in thought, word and deed? If you are trying to get away from the frenzy of the season, start looking for God. Give thanks and thanks again when you see an ordinary situation become Divine!