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Fear of the Other

Today is the anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night in 1938 when German Nazis coordinated a nationwide attack on Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues. The attack was inspired by the murder of a German diplomat by a Jew in Paris. When Hitler heard the news, he got the idea to stage a mass uprising in response. He and Joseph Goebbels contacted storm troopers around the country and told them to attack Jewish buildings, but to make the attacks look like spontaneous demonstrations. The police were told not to interfere with the demonstrators, but instead to arrest the Jewish victims. Firefighters were told only to put out fires in any adjacent Aryan properties. Everyone cooperated.

Dear God,

Let history NOT repeat itself.

Let us embrace all people during this time in our nation's history ,

especially those with whom we disagree.

Let us engage in conversation with all people,

and let us bring about a new world order just as Jesus called for us to do.

Let us all humble ourselves to listen patiently,

respond graciously

and live faithfully.

These are tender times, Lord, and we need you, we need you now.



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