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...for he had many possessions.

You lack one thing; go, sell what you own, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me.” When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions. Mark 10. 17-31

It is fascinating to be in conversation/study about this passage and to listen to all the excuses we have about money. The first one is always "it's not money that is the root of all evil, but the love of money." In the gospel appointed for today, there is a truth in Jesus' words that hurts. Yes, that truth might set us free, but acknowledging it hurts deeply. We who have every material possession we could possible want (not just need) are blinded by our stuff.

We have switches that turn on lights, faucets that produce water and hot water if we want it. We have coats and sweaters galore and blankets and pillows that cover our beds. And then there is our food. Not only do we have stores with overflowing shelves but we have cards and cash with which to buy whatever we need, want or covet.

I am reminded of our abundance during this frightful hurricane season we are in where towns and communities and peoples' lives have been obliterated. Switches and faucets don't work. If stores are still standing, they are empty except for the mud and silt left from receding flood waters. Houses are flattened or floating in rivers and bodies are still missing.

The closest some of us have ever come to "qualifying" for what Jesus tells the rich young man is perhaps the mammoth community effort going on right now as the rich give away what they own. Perhaps that will be the greatest grace to come out of this tragedy...but will we ever give until it hurts? Will we ever give so much that we have to do without? Will we ever sell what we own and give the money to the poor?

In the gospel of Luke, Jesus said ‘Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.’ I thought about that verse when I went looking through closets for coats the other day...there were about 30 coats and I gave away 5. I didn't give until it hurt, but maybe it was a good first step.

How is my wealth, my stuff and all that I own blocking me from "treasure in heaven?" Where is Jesus calling me to give until it hurts so the poor will be fed and housed? There I will find the kingdom of heaven on earth, there I will see what Jesus meant when he said "the kingdom of heaven is now."

Chimney Rock, NC


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