The Body of Christ
On Saturday a group of us gathered for a Quiet Garden Morning reflecting on Sacred Relationships and how to nurture them. As always, the gathering ended with a contemplative Eucharist of which our time together was the main part of the liturgy...just beautiful. For the communion bread, our facilitator had made a little loaf that looked just like this, except it was a darker because it had dark honey in it and maybe a little bit of ginger. It was absolutely delicious and something astounding happened to me as I savored it as the Body of Christ. Unlike the wafers we normally use at communion which touch your tongue and sort of melt with no flavor, this morsel spread its flavor and essence all over my mouth; I felt bits and pieces of it in my gums, on my tongue and on the roof of my mouth. And before the flavors were all gone, I thought "Now that is the Body of Christ!" I had never had quite that sensation with communion, and now I will advocate for flavorful bread! Everyone should experience the Body of Christ with such an array of savors!